Friday, March 4, 2011


as i embarked on another chapter on my life, many people said "why dont you blog?"  so i said, why dont i? and why dont i just commit to a whole website?  ive never made a website before, but people do it all the time.  it cant be that hard.

so i dove right in to godaddy, got myself a domain ( and all this hosting, make a website tonight stuff.  i know how to follow directions and i can call a help line when all else fails.  i tried, i tried really hard, only to realize, it really is that hard. 

so here i am, easily making a website and getting content out there via blogspot.  yeah!

perhaps at one point my old website will get up and running, but im not worried.  i tried to do something ive never done before, and even though i failed in one respect (godaddy), i am winning in another (blogspot)!

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