Wednesday, March 16, 2011

librarian's assistant

i really like volunteering.  it was instilled in me at an early age to always help out and it is something that i really enjoy.  i have gone to help out at a school for a class period or after-school program but ive never had time to spend a whole day at a school.  until now!

i spent the day helping out my friend, the librarian at an elementary school.  such a great day!  the kids were adorable and fun and sweet and just wanted attention.  boy does my friend work hard though!  it was a constant stream of kids, books, crying, screaming, hugs, band-aids and questions.  it was an adventure of a day and it tuckered me out, but i loved every minute of it!  i was even able to fix a printer and at least partially fix a computer.  i love solving problems!

a favorite moment was with one little girl who asked me how to spell "chicken nuggets" and "french fries" so that she could write her own sentence about a fun thing she did recently.  i also loved the fifth grader who just wanted to tell me how much she loved reading books and then seeing the movie version.  we both agree that it is definitely worth it to read the book first.

a great day and a lot of great friends, new and old!

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