Friday, March 4, 2011

first up: sewing!

the number 7 item on my bucket list is "learn to sew clothes that i would actually wear."  i know how to hand stitch, as well as how to basically use a sewing machine with lessons from my Mom as a kid.  i didnt have my own machine, and constantly looked at the machines at target, but just never committed.  i decided around the holidays that it was time to actually make this happen.  and then, as luck would have it, my Nana gave me her vintage elna sewing machine.  my Mom sent me her vintage patterns in february.  so as it would seem, i was all ready to go.  i, however, never got to a fabric store until a week ago with my new found free time.

i jumped right in with a McCall's dress pattern from 1973, a sleeveless caftan, adorable.

i went to Mood for fabric and picked out a fantastic lavender with navy flowers and light lime accents.  i chose a couple ribbons as well for fun, just to add to my outfit once it was together. 

getting my fabric home and diving into the pattern, i got a taste for just what i was in for: a lot of work. the pattern was a size 8, but from the measurements on the back i thought i would be a 16, so just cutting the pieces was a challenge!  i talked with my Mom and decided to add fabric to the sides, leaving the neck and arms the same.  i dont have a big apartment, and no such work space to speak of, so the cutting of huge floor length pieces was done on my coffee table.  that first night i said to myself "i really went for it with this one!" but i stuck with it.  on the first night, i got all of my pieces of fabric cut, and as much as i wanted to start sewing, i knew i was too tired. 

my first bit of sewing went alright, but i fancied myself a better seamstress than i was, not really looking at the instructions for the machine again, as i had "learned" everything i needed to know in my self-taught sewing machine 101 class  when i brought it home a few months ago.  i was not as adept as i thought.  i got a few pieces sewn, but kept catching threads and mixing up the bobbin thread.  once i had the two front panels sewn and the two back panels sewn, i held the pieces up and knew i had vastly overestimated the necessary size.  so i did resew the pieces in the middles and cut off the excess. again, knowing my own limits, i called it a night at that point!

learning from my previous mistakes i read the instructions again before i started in on day 2 of sewing.  with new found confidence, i attacked the sewing.  i was able to create the neck piping and ties, turning it inside out and feeling great!

without seam binding i happily ventured back to Mood.  once home, i got my seams all set and felt fantastic! here is a photo of the seam binding in process.

i next carefully stitched on the piping around the neck and was feeling like a million bucks right up until i broke the needle!

and back to Mood the next day!  without vintage needles, they nicely sent me on to a machine shop on 38th.

flash forward to this evening, after many trying on's of the dress, pinning of the sides and general fretting, i finally committed to stitching the sides.  luckily it fits and i can get it on and off!  big night.  the arm holes are making me a tad nervous, since i questimated the size and then recut as i felt appropriate.  a project for another day, im going to spend a little bit thinking things over and maybe tomorrow i will have a revelation about how to finish the arms.  but all in all, feeling very accomplished!

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