Thursday, March 3, 2011

here we go

i was recently forced into a work hiatus, and all of a sudden i have lots of time on my hands.  in order to not fall into a 24-hour sweatpants funk, i set a few guidelines for myself.  i decided i would put on real clothes everyday, and get out of the house, even just for a walk.  except of course for the weekends, because i never really did a lot on the weekends anyway.  i love doing nothing, and think i am quite good at it.  but back to the guidelines, i knew i needed to constantly and consistently job search, but i also decided to pursue all of those bucket list items, home projects and diet/exercise pursuits i never really had time for previously.

i was walking around nyc two days ago, with plenty of time on my hands i decided to turn down 29th street since i saw an interesting roofline i never noticed before.  a little light bulb went off, i said to myself "wow, i have time to just turn down any street i want, no place to be, and everything to see." it was as i went to check out the gorgeous, oxidized green roof that i realized that all of what i had been doing for the last couple weeks was things ive never done.

so yes, i am searching for a job, but that isnt fun to read about, so herein i will recap my adventures in new things.  cheers!

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