Sunday, April 3, 2011


bacon.  i have generally not minded bacon, even loved it occasionally, but never spent much time appreciating it or buying it.  there was something about seeing the fat that made me not want to eat it.
then a few weeks back i was going to a friends potluck and she had requested Zucchini Boats, having seen the recipe in my cookbook.  i grew up loving the ones my mom made, so i figured why not.  it called for bacon, so i bought a whole package.  the boats were a success!  i told my mom about making them and she said i didnt have her recipe since she never used bacon, which is funny since i copied the recipe from her cookbook.
anywho, i had all of this bacon left over.  not exactly knowing what to do with it i started eating bacon like it was going out of style. 
i had bacon and cheddar on baked potatoes.
then there was bacon, onion and sour cream on a baked potato.
bacon, egg and cheese on toast.
bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel.
bacon sandwich.
and my favorite, which makes me sad that i discovered it as my bacon supply was running low was iceberg lettuce, bacon and blue cheese dressing.  mmmmm
i just bought another package, turkey bacon this time, and had a delicious salad.  it was a delicious decision since iceberg and blue cheese just isnt as exciting once ive tasted it with bacon!


  1. potluck shout out! can't wait for the next one. :)

  2. Maybe buy a pack and freeze portions in little baggies? Yum to bacon!

  3. ohhh i love it! bacon has turned into abit of an obsession :)
