Sunday, April 24, 2011

bucket list

what's on your bucket list?

heres mine:
1. Learn to play golf. 
2. Understand how to score a tennis game. 
3. See the Sistine Chapel. 
4. Visit Mayan ruins. 
5. Participate in an archaeological dig in Egypt. 
6. Run a marathon. 
7. Learn how to sew clothes that I would actually wear.  (so close!)
8. Learn how to navigate using the stars. 
9. Learn how to drive a stick shift. 
10. Safari in Africa. 
11. Take a singing lesson. 
12. Sail the Mediterranean. 
13. See the Northern Lights. 
14. Snowboard the Alps. 
15. See the Great Wall of China. 
16. See Harajuku girls. 
17. Take an origami class in Japan. 
18. Design Legos. 
19. Ride in a helicopter. Completed June  14, 2010!  Turns out I get airsick. Goodtimes.
20. Learn to surf. 
21. Get my PE. Completed January 7, 2010! 
22. Own a home. 
23. Cook Thanksgiving dinner. 
24. See Punxsutawney Phil.


  1. Woah I posted a comment last week! Anyways...I can help with the Lego thing. I know people.

  2. awesome! what is on your bucket list? what else should i add?
