Monday, April 25, 2011


i love walks, so its nothing new for me, but i did spend a good two hours today on a walk, which was an unusually long, enjoyable time.  it was so nice to spend so much time enjoying myself and seeing the sites.  i saw two grown men playing with a remote control car.  i went to go browse a new biergarten that is being built, nothing much to see actually yet, i wish it would open soon.  there were quite a few apartments for sale.  i stopped in to an unfinished furniture business i didnt know existed, so lovely, made me wish i had room for more furniture.  it was a gorgeous day and many others were out enjoying themselves.  many friendly hellos and smiles.  i also wore my shapeups, so i hopefully burned a few more calories than usual.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

bucket list

what's on your bucket list?

heres mine:
1. Learn to play golf. 
2. Understand how to score a tennis game. 
3. See the Sistine Chapel. 
4. Visit Mayan ruins. 
5. Participate in an archaeological dig in Egypt. 
6. Run a marathon. 
7. Learn how to sew clothes that I would actually wear.  (so close!)
8. Learn how to navigate using the stars. 
9. Learn how to drive a stick shift. 
10. Safari in Africa. 
11. Take a singing lesson. 
12. Sail the Mediterranean. 
13. See the Northern Lights. 
14. Snowboard the Alps. 
15. See the Great Wall of China. 
16. See Harajuku girls. 
17. Take an origami class in Japan. 
18. Design Legos. 
19. Ride in a helicopter. Completed June  14, 2010!  Turns out I get airsick. Goodtimes.
20. Learn to surf. 
21. Get my PE. Completed January 7, 2010! 
22. Own a home. 
23. Cook Thanksgiving dinner. 
24. See Punxsutawney Phil.

royal wedding

im excited.  the royal wedding is upon us.  ive been dvring lots of programs.  im thinking about my menu and of course my outfit.  im jazzed, i cant hide it.  obviously ive been making fascinators like mad recently, but i have also been thinking about my curtsying and tea making abilities, just in case, you never know.

im hosting my "dream night" of the wedding program et al and i cant wait.  i may be slightly nervous for when its all over, what do we do then?!  but im sure we can just keep up with her fashion etc.  lets cross that bridge when we come to it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


its been a while!

i turned 30, briefly freaked out about turning 30 and came full circle about not worrying about 30, good times.

in the meantime, i had a few girlfriends come by my place who were able to hem my dress for me.  it was the final step towards finishing my first sewing project!  i couldnt gauge how long it should be while also wearing the garment, quite the conundrum.  i am due to visit my friend a new mom tomorrow so i think i will schedule the final sewing for friday.  i must admit that after almost 75% complete i got intimidated by the sleeves.  but then my boyfriend asked me to patch one of his shirts, so i said, ok fab, let me fix this.  and i did!  with that new found confidence i finished the sleeves of my dress, not exactly as they suggested, but finished indeed.  and now i feel like a million bucks.  hemming here i come!

a week ago i also went to my library to renew anna karenina.  fantastic book, but really long.  i am at about page 300 of 800.  yikes.  i enjoy it and easy read i will say, but just really long.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


bacon.  i have generally not minded bacon, even loved it occasionally, but never spent much time appreciating it or buying it.  there was something about seeing the fat that made me not want to eat it.
then a few weeks back i was going to a friends potluck and she had requested Zucchini Boats, having seen the recipe in my cookbook.  i grew up loving the ones my mom made, so i figured why not.  it called for bacon, so i bought a whole package.  the boats were a success!  i told my mom about making them and she said i didnt have her recipe since she never used bacon, which is funny since i copied the recipe from her cookbook.
anywho, i had all of this bacon left over.  not exactly knowing what to do with it i started eating bacon like it was going out of style. 
i had bacon and cheddar on baked potatoes.
then there was bacon, onion and sour cream on a baked potato.
bacon, egg and cheese on toast.
bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel.
bacon sandwich.
and my favorite, which makes me sad that i discovered it as my bacon supply was running low was iceberg lettuce, bacon and blue cheese dressing.  mmmmm
i just bought another package, turkey bacon this time, and had a delicious salad.  it was a delicious decision since iceberg and blue cheese just isnt as exciting once ive tasted it with bacon!